Saturday, November 20, 2021


On Monday Lucy had her annual check up. Her Doctor was running behind because apparently the person before us had come in late and brought a binder. Lucy's doctor admitted that that kind of threw her off her groove. I hope we helped get her back on her groove by not being complicated. I just complained about Lucy's desire to chew on all the things (currently it's ice). She said it's probably just a nervous habit but we are welcome to take her in for a blood test to make sure there's no deficiencies. However the way Lucy panicked and burrowed into me for her flu shot, does not make me want to take her in for an elective blood draw.

Monday evening Jacob was over and it was fun to watch all the kids play a game nicely together. They had seperated the stuffed animals into teams and were having them do all sorts of contests. There was a cooking contest in which they were all different judges (that were clearly based on shows they've seen) and there was a drawing contest in which I was quite impressed with all their artistic skills. It was fun to overhear them playing.

Tuesday I was grateful for a day in which I had no projects and wasn't hosting anything so I could just take care of neglected things. I ran some errands, did a Salvation Army run, picked up an awesome doll bed for the girls for just $5, and went through the massive amount of junk the boys had been storing under their beds and in the basement. The boys did not appreciate my efforts- Steven especially is quite the hoarder- but I felt better, at least for the one day that everything felt clean and organized. 

Wednesday the kids all had their dentist appointment. No cavities but Lucy has cracked two of her fillings from all her ice chewing and will have to go get them fixed. I struggle with stopping her from chewing on the ice because it's way better than other things she has chewed on before. Maybe I should get her blood drawn...That evening Lucy had Volleyball practice and then I had to take her and Steven to the church for activities. Steven's activity involved eating gross things and would you believe he ate a snail!? He was not a fan.

Thursday morning we had the pleasure of giving a lesson on a political section in D&C. It is hard to listen to how messed up our youth are about politics. We had one basically telling us it is more important to have a president that looks good than a president that has good policies. You can tell how much media has influenced them. I hope at the end I at least got them to realize they need to research things for themselves and put prayer into the equation. 

Thursday afternoon Tyler left to Arizona for his sister's 40th birthday. They are not that good of friends so he is trying to reach out an olive branch I suppose....a $500 olive branch because flights are pricey again. I think though that after my several trips this year without him or kids, he wanted a break of his own. I don't blame him. The kids have been in fine irritating form this week. Lots of button pushing. Taking him to the airport was an adventure in itself. I forgot my phone (because we picked up the kids from school first, it took me a bit to notice) so I had to google directions on his phone and do my best to remember them, It gave me a lot of anxiety. Traffic was also awful. I was in the car with the kids for almost 2 hours. And on top of it all we finished the story they were listening to on the way to the airport so I had no more entertainment for them. Not my favorite my part of the week.

That evening I left the kids to meet some friends at Cheesecake Factory. I was little worried about leaving them home alone at night but they did great, no issues. Cheesecake Factory was a nice outing, even if I always replay what I said later and then wonder why I am such a weirdo. We had about an hour wait for a table and then another hour wait for the food but that just meant more time to socialize and the food was delicious as always. With Melissa still in young womens we talked about how things are going with the new YW Pres and it sounds like all the work I had done to get the program running right has been derailed. It's really depressing.

Friday Caroline took my 3 youngest to the temple to video them walking around for a music video she is making for stake conference. I had the two teens (David and Steven) but I sent them out to Seven Eleven and enjoyed a quiet house for awhile. It was nice. I was going to be productive but I ended up taking a power nap instead. That evening Lucy had a volleyball match and she did way better than last week, she really went for the ball. Her team once again won 2 out of the 3 matches. 

Saturday the girls and I went to see "Once Upon a Mattress." I think the inappropriate stuff flew over their heads (like the "man to man" talk that was had) and they did pretty good with the long sitting time. I'm not sure it was quite Lucy's thing but Penny loved it. She told me afterwards that it was way better than she expected (I guess she had low expectations?). Penny really loved the song "Quiet" and the nightingale. It was also nice to be able to support Abbie, even if I am no longer in Young Womens with her.

In the evening the girls went to a friends house for a movie night and I played the Nintendo Switch with the boys. I have been frustrated with Steven all week and was still feeling blah when we first started playing but near the end I let go and we had a good time. I think Steven and I really needed that. And bless Ben's sweet heart for always telling me I'm doing good in the games, even though I am totally not. He is very sweet and supportive. He'll make a good husband someday.

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