Saturday, July 11, 2020

Fourth, Tyler's Birthday, MSU Garden

Our fourth of July party went well. I felt a little distant and not super social- it was definitely a little hard to see Corinne's baby boy and when Tyler held it, it was hard not to think about the baby I was supposed to have. But there was plenty of good food and the kids had fun playing in the pool Corinne brought and waving around sparklers so I think it was a good time for most.

Monday I found a bunk bed on FB marketplace for $100 and I ended up getting it for the girls (actually I had attempted to get 3 others before this one but had been beaten out so I was super excited to finally be first for this one). When I was pregnant with Isaac I had planned to get a bunk bed to free up some space in their room for a crib. Well the desire to get them a bunk bed came back and I just went for it, even though circumstances had changed. It's a nice change and their room is extra spacious now. I also went to Ikea with my mom and the girls Thursday and bought a big bookcase so that I could take the bookcases out of both the boys and girls room. Now all their books are in my room leaving even more space in their rooms. I'm happy with all the changes. With all the crazy that is my health and with the loss of Isaac, sometimes I just need something else to focus on. Then new furniture and rearranging gave me this.

Tuesday was Tyler's birthday. My mom and I went and picked up some doughnuts that morning from a place called Daily Dozen. It was far but it had good reviews and I had been wanting to check it out. I think it was worth the drive. The cherry doughnut was especially yummy and Tyler seemed to like the ones we got for him. After he was done with work we took him to Chili's for dinner. It was real annoying when they wouldn't allow us to sit together because they were only allowed to seat parties of 6 (we were 7 with Grams). So instead they sat us split between two tables. I don't see how my kids running back and forth between tables was safer for preventing Covid than just putting all of us (who have been living in the same house) together. Sometimes these Covid rules are just stupid. After dinner we celebrated with banana pie (made by my friend) and a store bought chocolate pie for the kids.

Tuesday afternoon Steven had his well visit and I am really glad that I changed doctor's for him. The pediatrician we had gone too was just not great and the nurses were not patient with his phobia of immunizations. But this office was so patient with him and they even had him get the immunization first so he could actually focus and answer all the health questions after- and boy did he answer the questions. He just went on and on and on because I think he was just so relieved to be done with the shot. At the end the doctor said she had something cool to show Steven and she dumped out liquid nitrogen which was real cool. They also offered Steven lollipops and stickers and he was nice and asked if he could get some for his siblings. It was seriously the most positive doctor's experience we've had in a long while.

Wednesday was a beach day and then I had my first youth activity since Covid. We took the youth kayaking. We only had 6 young women come but it was still a lot of fun. And since the crazy people that were all about following extreme Covid rules didn't come, we did not follow such extreme rules. No masks because we were outside and masks are not mandated outside. All the kids were in their own kayaks so I figure that was social distancing enough. I got to go out in a kayak too and I swear they kept making me crash into bushes and one of the girls assumed that I was a teenager in the 80's (apparently I look old) but other than that it was a good time.

Thursday Ben helped Tyler put the girls bunk bed together and here it the final photo after all the new things were put together and organized.

Saturday we went to the gardens at MSU. It wasn't nearly as neat as the Fredrick Meijer Gardens but it still had some pretty things to see. Plus it was nice to spend some positive time at the garden with the kids since they have been fighting like crazy the last few days. Ironically they started off the week being the sweetest siblings to each other (making a pretend art gallery and art club). I guess it's hard to be perfect, ha ha.

After the garden we took Grams to a stained glass shop that was nearby and then we ended the outing with Chick-Fil-A.

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