Saturday, February 9, 2019

Job Worries, Drops of Awesome and Lego Birthday

This week started off with the stressful possibility of Tyler being laid off. General Motors was laying off 4000 people and unlike the first rounds of lay offs that they had in December these ones were much more random and according to Tyler no one was safe. On Monday they were laying off people at a building nearby and Tyler heard his building would be the next day so he spent Monday night super anxious and unable to sleep. Tuesday morning he watched as 8 of his friends who sit in his area got laid off. Shortly after that stress, he was told that his job was safe. It's funny how we take some things for granted, like jobs. I am so grateful that he still has one!

After the relief of finding out that he still has a job I got to volunteer in Ben's classroom. Once again Ben's teacher complimented Ben on his excellent writing skills- this time he did it in front of the whole class, using him as an example of awesomeness. He got super red and embarrassed and it was really cute.

When I finished volunteering we met my friend at Arby's to celebrate her birthday. We go there a lot and the same employee always seems to be working there. He's super awkward, makes a lot of eye contact and wears a plastered on smile but he's just part of the experience😜. At the end when they take your name, he tried to remember mine. He thought it was Jessica- close enough, ha ha! I love our Arby's lunch dates though, good food and good company.

Tuesday night my friend Stefanie came over and we worked on a puzzle (a super awesome Willy Wonka puzzle that I got for $3 at Hobby Lobby) and watched "Crazy Rich Asians." It was my idea of the perfect Girl's Night- puzzling, socializing, silly movie and yummy junk food- and I didn't even have to leave the house! Every time I hang out with Stefanie I feel so grateful that we moved next door to her family 5 years ago.

Early in the morning Wednesday we got some freezing rain so school was cancelled due to icy roads. It was a really LONG day- I could tell the kids had had their fill of being stuck inside with each other. So much fighting. 

Thursday the kids had a half day and I knew I did not want to be cooped up in the house with the kids again so we headed to the library for the afternoon. It was a good choice! My neighbor, Stacie, happened to come to the library shortly after us with her kids so my kids got to hang with hers and I got to chat with her and it ended up being a real nice outing.

Thursday night was RS Enrichment. I had a bit of a terrifying drive there because it was super foggy but I survived. There was a nice motivational speaker about "Drops of Awesome." It was about how often we think something positive about ourselves, we allow a negative thought to sneak in after it. Instead we need to hold onto those positive thoughts- those drops of awesome. It was a good message. At the end she asked people to share some of their drops of awesome from the day and my heart started to beat fast (like it does when I feel like I need to share my testimony). It seemed weird that I was feeling prompted to boast about myself but I think that was Heavenly Father's way of showing me that he notices me and he notices the good I do for my kids- and that maybe I should stop beating myself up so much.

I spent Friday making lots of cake for Steven's birthday (we needed lots of layers to make a Lego Head) and babysitting for a friend. Then that night I had another Girl's Night in- this time making a puzzle with my friend's Corinne and Chalsea. 2 nights of puzzling with friends in one week makes for a great week!

Also Friday I discovered that Lucy has a sugar addiction problem. After seeing a finger indention in a cake I confronted her and she informed me that I should have put it higher where she couldn't reach because she just couldn't help herself. Then the next morning we notice that she had been snitching some frosting (it was gray so kind of hard to hide the evidence on her lips). She lost some jewels for that one. I am pretty sure that sugar addiction came straight from me.

Saturday morning was Steven's 11th birthday party. He invited his two friends Max and Evan over and they went to see "Lego Movie 2" with Tyler and Ben. Afterwards they all came back and we had pizza and cake. It was my favorite kind of party- not crazy and stressful at all and I think Steven really enjoyed it. For the cake, Tyler copied the head of the Lego minifigures Steven was giving his friends. I really only meant for him to copy the gray skullcap on the one I gave him and then do a regular Lego face but he ended up copying the whole thing- too bad I had given him Max's minifigure and not Steven's. Still awesome though- even if Tyler thinks it's the worst one he's done. 

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