Sunday, March 2, 2025

Baby Shark and Ikea

Last Sunday I had a little girl tell me once again that she did not like my new hair color. She is 8 and I feel like she should know better than to say someone's hair looks ugly but whatever. I would say I am not offended because she's just a kid but...I was offended. 

Monday was a rough start with homeschooling. Penny had some major meltdowns and lost some privileges. Getting in big trouble seemed to be the kick in the butt that she needed though and she did much better the rest of the week. Despite the rough start, Monday was a beautiful day weather wise and that seemed to awaken me out of my winter hibernation. We actually got outside and I went on a major cleaning binge that lasted over the next few days- I went through my clothes,and dusted the Lego shelves in my room, I cleaned the walls, baseboards, fan and under the beds in the boys' room, and I cleaned in between furniture and walls and under the bed in the girls' room. I even washed everyone's bedding which is something I hate doing. It felt quite good to do some "spring" cleaning. 

Also Monday I had a Kohls order to pick up and while we were there, Penny found a baby shark pajama shirt that I had to get for Ruby. It was on clearance and I had a coupon and somehow I think I got it free? I bought the shirt and a dress for Ruby but when I looked at the receipt later, it only showed the dress. Did I steal it?? I sure hope not. Ruby absolutely loves her shirt,even if it is a boy's pajama shirt. I also trimmed her mullet this week and I think it looks much better but now pig tails are a little more tricky to do.

Wednesday while the girls were at school I took Ruby to the Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit. It was nice to just have one child to follow around. She is often an observer but she did love climbing up a slide (no one was around so I allowed it) and then sliding/falling down. She also liked playing in the kitchen area and stacking all the fake food. She got a little possessive of the food when some other kids sat at the table. She is not good at sharing. At one point during our visit, I thought I could handle taking Ruby on the stepping stones in the river but I was wrong, she somehow got a whole leg in the water. Of course I had no extra clothes and had to try to squeeze out the water on her pants so she wasn't totaly soaked but, all in all it was a good time.

Thursday, after we finished our school work, I decided to take the girls to Ikea. After cleaning the boys room, I realized it needed a revamp. My first thought was just new mattresses because their mattresses are so bad- you can feel the springs! Steven being contrary said he didn't need a new mattress though and I almost want to not give him one because of his dumb attitude. But new mattresses led to me wanting new everything and hence my trip to Ikea. I wanted to check some things out and get some inspiration. The girls really enjoyed the outing. Checking all the things out, sitting on all the things- it was fun and we ended the outing with some ice cream for lunch. Ruby was nice and shared hers with me. Although I did not buy anything, I ended up figuring out what I wanted to do their room and I am excited for the changes. I ended up ordering everything from Amazon- low twin over full bunk bed, book case with cupboards (for all the Lego things) and still looking for one, but we're going to put a small loveseat in their room.

Friday after homeschool work, the girls went on their last hurrah to Chuck-E-Cheese- our passes have expired now which is a bit sad. Ruby still loves her police care the best, sitting with Chuck-E and a space invaders game where you shoot alien ships. When we finished, the girls ended up getting enough tickets to get a tiny Chuck-E-Cheese doll and 3 lollipops.

Friday night Caroline came over to puzzle. I am liking these one on one hang outs better. They are more calm and we can delve into things better. Although I did realize that lately my conversations with Caroline have been very her-centered and if I want to chat about myself I just have to initiate. 

Saturday morning Tyler and I did a day date and went and got breakfast at the Filling Station. I got some delicious chicken and waffles. Afterwards we strolled Lowe's and talked about his plans to remodel the upstairs bathroom- his bonus hit his bank account so it is finally time to fix up that awful bathroom. I am feeling excited about the changes.

Saturday afternoon I took Lucy, Penny, Geli, Luna and Claire to Target. I was feeling irritable so it wasn't the best outing for someone in a crabby mood. I let the older girls go off on their own and sometimes Lucy was not so good at answering my texts and that was frustrating. The girls had fun shopping though, even if they only bought some candy.

It seems that every time the weather changes, Ruby has a rough time sleeping and she ended up in our bed for a majority of the nights this week. She also had some particularly crabby days where she just whined at everything. Sometimes she is so good and plays independently and is just a happy baby and other times she is just mad about everything. Toddlers are exhausting.