Saturday, October 12, 2024

Cousins in Town

Sunday was General Conference and with the time difference, the sessions don't start until noon. I decided to spend the morning cleaning since we were hosting dinner that night for Tyler'sisters.I do not love cleaning with kids awake because they just seem to make a mess of everything I do. I have definitely grown to prefer my night time house cleanings. Still I managed to get it done and still have time to take a shower and make the casseroles for that night. I was quite impressed with myself. After doing all those things, I was able to just relax and watch the conference sessions. I think my biggest take from the sessions was that I need to focus on my testimony of my Savior. Anyways, after both sessions, Tyler's sisters came over. Keshia had just flown in town with Knox, Nash and Reese and they were staying with Mariah's family. This was there first time visiting Michigan. Obviously it took Mariah living here for them to want to come visit but I guess I will just have to accept that that is the way things are. For dinner, the pasta casseroles I made were nothing special but thankfully they were very kid friendly so no complaints. The adults had a good chat and the kids all had fun with their cousins.

Monday we were able to homeschool before everyone (Mariah and Keshia's family) came over again. The flat on the Equinox was getting fixed so we only had one car so it was nice they all came here. After I picked up Steven from school and put Ruby down for a nap (we have been switching her to just one nap) we all walked over to Scarlet's Park. We spent several hours there. The kids were actually playing really well together- only minimal drama from Penny or Jessie feeling excluded. Penny is always feeling excluded so I took it with a grain of salt. Mariah, Keshia and I actually had a pretty deep conversation about things in the church. I really just brought up the things that my friends have been struggling with because I was curious what their thoughts and opinions were- the Hatch's have a lot of thoughts and opinions. They had some good, helpful ones. But they also sometimes had some "blind faith" opinions and I find that hard sometimes. I like there to be logic and reasoning behind things.

After the park we walked back to our house and then they had to leave because Mariah had to pick up Jeff from work. Mariah was also picking up Tara from the airport that night. Reese stayed with us though and spent the night. The girls were happy to have her over. I made my ground turkey skillet but had to make her something separate because she wasn't a fan. I feel like all kids just like the things their mom makes and have a hard time expanding their horizons. I know that is true for my kids. That night we all watched the "live action" "Dora the Explorer" movie and Reese really seemed to love it. They all went to sleep really nicely that night.

Tuesday we didn't homeschool in the morning because Reese was over. Instead we had a slow morning with pancakes, I did a work out and then we all walked down to the nieghborhood beach. I was determined not to sit around waiting for Mariah to text me when they were ready to meet up. It made things less frustrating for me for sure. The girls enjoyed playing on the little playground there and then on our way back, we ran into Julie and her kiddos which was nice.

By the time we were home from the beach, Mariah sent a text and it was time to meet up. Tyler took off the afternoon and we all met up at Three Cedars Farm. Once again, Ruby was home napping with Steven so they both missed out on the fun. The kids spent most of the time playing in the corn (which they all brought back to our house with them) but they did take a short break for doughnuts and cider. At one point Tara lost her phone but thankfully after much searching she found it. I am so glad I am not the only one who does that.

After we were done at the farm, Mariah's group was starving because they hadn't had lunch. We ended up picking up pizza for them on the way back to our house so they could have a very late lunch/early dinner. At our house the cousins had a lot of fun on our board game tablet and playing outside in the fairy garden. At one point Jeff and Tyler left to get some more sophisticated food for the grown ups- Pita Way. Around 8pm everyone but the girl cousins left. Navi, Saylor, Jessie, and Reese stayed for a girl cousin sleep over. It was quite a task to set up the living room for 6 girls to sleep but I accomplished it with an air mattress, a cot and the couches. We all watched "High School Musical" and had popcorn. I warned the girls that there was kissing and a few were slightly disappointed when it was only a kiss on the cheek. After the movie, I read them two of my favorite picture books, we said prayers and then it was time for bed. I did not hear them at all upstairs but according to Penny, Jessie would not stop asking questions and I honestly believe that.

Wednesday morning felt like a lot. I had to feed all the girls,and help them get ready for the day (which meant lots of hair to do) and prep a bag full of food for our outing. At 11am we met the rest of the Hatch gang at Kensington. I had to drive unsafe because I did not have enough seats in my Traverse- we risked Lucy's life. I will be so happy when the Suburban is fixed again. The drive was sort of obnoxious  because Jessie kept questioning what movie every Disney song we heard was from and what was happening in the movie for each part of the song. I was tired and had little patience for silly questions. Anyways, despite us leaving after they said they had, we beat them there. After some waiting, they got there, but they were lost in the park so we did some more waiting. Finally they arrived (minus Mariah who had to pick up Jeff) and we toured the Nature Center- because we were cold from all the waiting outside. When we were done in the Nature Center we went on a walk. It was a really beautiful day and I think everyone enjoyed the walk.

Tyler was taking another half day off work so by the time we finished our walk, he was done working and ready to join us. I took a car full of kids back home so we could eat lunch at my house and get Tyler. Keshia and Tara took another car full to Mariah's house and they ate lunch there. When we were all done with lunch and Ben had gotten home from school, we met up at downtown Northville to play on the playground and see the skeletons. There was a lot of picture taking with the skeletons and lots of fun games played on the playground. Ben is such a fun cousin and all the kids just love him. Around 6pm we had to part ways because Lucy had a church activity that she was leading that night and was really excited about (Torture Trivia). Keshia and her kids were leaving early the next morning and so it was a final gooodbye to them.

Thusday after the girls finished their school work we went over to Mariah's house for one final hurrah with Tara and her girls (they left that night). We did Halloween crafts. They made monsters and haunted houses with popsicle sticks and paint. There was even glitter involved. I have been so anti glitter for so long that I forgot how pretty it can look. My girls had some struggles with getting things to stay glued together because Mariah didn't have hot glue so they had some drama moments but overall it was a nice final hang out with Tara and her girls.

Friday I canned chicken and it always makes me a little anxious but I did it successfully. Thankfully Rebecca answered my Marco Polo questions, I always seem to have questions. Also Friday, Andrea was over again and while her and Ben were doing their usual pacing down our street, Ruby and I were outside in the backyard. When she saw them go by she wanted to go after them and did her best to follow them but her legs were too tiny. Thankfully Ben happened to turn around and see her and came back to give her a little love. It was cute. I took a pic of her following them when they were way off in the distance.

That night for our usual movie night we watched "1408". I had never seen it before and I felt like it started off really good and creepy but then it just kind of got weird and flopped. Too bad.

Saturday Penny had a soccer game in the morning and Tyler took her- her team won! Meanwhile Ben had a soccer fundraiser at Brightside Nutrition. I am not sure why they are fundraising now that the season is over but whatever. He was nervous about going but ended up having a good time. He got to wear a soccer ball costume to try and get costumers to come in and he said he was very successful. That afternoon I went over to Julie's and helped her can some chicken. Her kids were all there and her husband wasn't too helpful with them so it wasn't a super fun hang out but we did get some conversation in between the canning and the children. Saturday night I had puzzle night with Grace and Caroline. It was a chill night and we all had a chance to catch up with each other. 

Ruby has still not been a great sleeper. Even with the girls out of the room and us trying to let her cry it out, she is stubborn and inconsistent and I am tired. We have just discontinued her getting a bottle everytime she goes to bed so maybe that will do something. We shall see. She is lucky she is adorable.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


Sunday we had our first primary program practice in the chapel. I'll be honest, I was a little anxious about playing the piano in the chapel. It just feels so official. Caroline,  who is the primary chorister,  wasn't there so her husband subbed for her. He was not up for the task. First he forgot the stage they stand on, then he forgot the pictures to show where they would be, and then he did not know 2 of the songs. The not knowing the songs caused issues for me. He skipped a repeated verse in both of them and I had to explain to him  that he was the one goofing, not me. I did have a big goof of my own at the end. I really did not want to turn pages so I put all the sheets of music out but as soon as I started playing, they all started to fall down. It was a disaster and they were singing a capella until page 2. I really wish they would just fire me.

Monday it was back to homeschooling the girls and then when we finished our work, we visited both the libraries near us. I like when we can just spend an afternoon at the library. There is usually another toddler around when we go to the Commerce library so it always fun to watch how Ruby interacts with someone her size. She is not always nice so it's a good opportunity for me to teach her to be nicer, lol. Later that day we went to Ben's soccer game. Mariah came, as well, with her kids. My kids always end up entertaining her kids so I have to be more active in watching Ruby which I selfishly don't love. But that game Ruby was actually pretty good and didn't wander off too far. The only issue was my IBS was acting up at one point and I did not want to make a big deal so I took her with me. Super fun having IBS issues with a toddler in the stall with you. Also that game. sat by a mom from my Ward and I found out her family is moving. My girls like her girls and Ben gets along well with her son, so I am sad they are leaving. I feel like our ward just gets smaller and smaller.

Tuesday after the girls finished their school work we went to Hobby Lobby because Lucy has been obsessed with going there for some reason. I think she just wanted to look for birthday party supplies because they have stuff there that fits her theme. I did end up getting her a couple things for the party. We also stopped by Old Navy because I want to get her a new romper but we had no luck there. It can be really hard to find church appropriate rompers in stores. I ended up just ordering her one online and it actually fits-yay!

Wednesday we were back to having one car. Tyler had fixed the Suburban but Tuesday it broke down on his way back home from work so apparently it was not fixed. He had to get it towed home. With the girls having class at Renaissance and Steven having college classes and Tyler needing to be at work- it was a juggling act. I ended up taking Tyler to work (after dropping off the girls) and picking him up so that I could have a car. After I dropped him off at work, Ruby and I stopped at Milford Park to play for a bit. That park is a little more "dangerous" than the one by us- lots of drop offs- so I really had to monitor her there. She discovered wobbly bridges while we were there and almost took a tumble when someone ran by her while she was on one. She also discovered the joy of long slides and made me go down with her twice.

Wednesday night all 4 kids had an activity at the church in the evening so Steven drove everyone there and Tyler and I took Ruby with us for a Costco date. We were running low on some stuff so it was a good opportunity to stock back up. Unfortunately people went a little crazy because of the recent port strike and there were no Costco brand waterbottles in stock and we had to buy the more expensive ones. Toilet paper was all out too but thankfully we didn't need any of that. 

Thursday Lucy went to Grace's salon to get her haircut. Her hair always looks so great after a fresh cut. It was nice to chat with Grace, it always is. Her daughter, Etta, is training to work the front desk the and was surprised that I didn't need to pay. Well I do pay but ecause I am a family friend I can just Venmo Grace the money- the salon doesn't take a cut. But instead of saying I Venmo, I said "Oh I get the family friend discount" Which was stupid and made me sound like a cheapskate. The things I say sometimes....

Friday, I picked up an extra large amount of groceries because the port strike made me realize we don't have as much as we should if an emergency happens. Now we have a better stock in our basement.  

Friday after school, Ben had his friend Andrea over and since I wasn't busy, we watched an old movie together. We watched "Gremlins" and that was really weird and slightly gross at parts but we joked that it should be our new movie to watch every Christmas because it takes place during Christmas time. I think I should get it for him for his Christmas countdown box. 

Saturday we had 2 soccer games in the morning. I went to Penny's and Tyler went to Ben's since he was announcing. Unfortunately as I left, I realized that the squeak had a flat tire so I had to switch cars and Tyler had to fill up the squeak's tire and drive dangerously to the high school. We are now down to 1 car because it needs a new tire and that won't happen until Monday. Why do we have such bad luck with cars? At least Tyler was able to find out what is wrong with the Suburban this weekend so now he can focus on fixing it. Anyways, Penny's game was a fun watch. The other team had a great goalie and although her team made many shots at their goal, they only scored 3. Still they were happy to win this time and Penny got some good kicks in. She is really good at defense. Ben's team also won and he got 9 minutes of play time. That was his last game and with all our car issues, I am releived soccer is over for Ben. Although Archery and Volleyball are strating soon hopefully we can get everything fixed.

Saturday afternoon Penny had a playdate with Mimi and they had such a good time. Meanwhile I chased around Ruby and chatted with Mimi's parents. They really are very nice people. And throughout Saturday I watched Conference while I could. There were drop offs with the car and then getting Steven to work so I didn't get to watch all of it. But there was one really great talk I liked about God's love. Steven said I just liked it because the man had a British accent- ha! Ruby was also cute during conference and was trying to do Steven's hair.

Saturday night Grace and Caroline came over and we painted craft pumpkins. Well actually, Grace and I painted and Caroline carved one and stuck cute flowers in it. We had a lot of deep conversations about our religion, on the role of women in our religion, on how they feel religion has affected their life was some hard conversations and I don't think I could change either of their opinions on things but I felt proud of my self for the way I was able to articulate some of my thoughts and  opinions- I am not always good at that. I wonder if soon, I will be the only one still attending church.

And to end with...Ruby is still inconsistent and giving me a few great nights of sleep and then nightmare nights where she wakes up and won't go back to sleep. A few nights ago we kicked out Lucy and Penny from their room and are having them sleep downstairs in the guest room. Our goal is to just let Ruby cry it out and hopefully then she will sleep through the night but no joy yet. The first night she slept no problem. The second night she woke up a few times and fussed for a minute but then went back to sleep. The third night she woke up at 5am and cried on and off for AN HOUR. She did not stop. Tyler gave up and went in with a bottle and rocked her back to sleep. It took him a good 20 minutes to get her to sleep. I do not know what to do with her. During the day she naps so well. No matter when I put her down she sleeps like a champ. And she is fun and learning signs "more" "please" "food" "out" But nights are just awful. She won't sleep this terrible forever right?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Farms, First Jobs, Dance

I was sort of hoping for a chill Monday after a busy weekend but the girls were invited to visit Three Cedars Farm with their friends, Gelie and Luna, and I just couldn't say no. The girls just love their friend time. With the promise of an outing the girls got their school work done quickly and thankfully Tyler was home so I could leave Ruby napping. It was nice to not have to worry about packing a diaper bag. It was a little chill outside but not too cold. We tried the dougnuts at this farm and determined that Longs' doughnuts are definitely better. The girls had fun playing in corn, feeding cows, climbing hay bales, riding a train and just being together. Me and Grams were a bit bored but at least we had each other to talk to. It was a long drive so I am not sure I would return, but I am glad the girls had a good time.

Tuesday the boys had a half day and were home early. Andrea came home with Ben on the bus so they could hang out. Grams and I decided we needed some Longs' doughnuts after the disappointing dougnuts from the day before so we took the girls to Longs' Farm. The boys were not interested in going so they missed out on our fun pics and the cream cider slushies but they did get doughnuts when we got home. While we were there I saw my friend Amy Day. It was fun to run into her, she is always so nice to me. I miss seeing her at Bunco. If only I could still see my Bunco friends without having to be in Bunco. Anyways, Amy was nice and took our picture on the giant chair so all us ladies could be in it.

Tuesday night was going to be a juggle with Steven having his night class and Penny and Ben having soccer but Penny's soccer got cancelled so that helped lighten some of the load. That was especially good since we are still operating on 2 cars. Getting the Suburban fixed is taking some time between having to wait on parts and new problems arising. 

Wednesday the girls had their classes at Renaissance so we did a little adventure just Ruby, Grams and me. We went to the farm at Kensington. It wasn't quite bustling with animals like it is in the spring but Ruby still had a good time. She was really fascinated by the goats, donkeys, hens and ducks and could have stared at each animals for ages. We had to force her to move on each time. We were also going to go to the nature center,  but they randomly closed the road to it, so we ended up just parking and walking down part of a nearby trail. Kensington really is beautiful.

Wednesday evening everyone was at their various activities except for Penny, Ruby, Grams and me, so we watched "Migration". It is a silly movie but was a nice way to spend the night.

Thursday was Grams last day with us. Penny had some particularly explosive drama with her homeschool work that morning which probably made Grams glad that she was getting out of here. We were sad to see her go. It was nice to have her company.

After I dropped Grams off at the airport, the girls had their dentist appointments. The boys originally had theirs too but I had rescheduled for them because they both were supposed to have stuff going on. They did not end up having things going on and so that meant I rescheduled unnecessarily. That was a bit frustrating. Anyways, the girls visit was kind of strange. Instead of the hygenist cleaning their teeth, the dentist did and did a very short cleaning. I am not sure why, it was weird. But I did have a nice chat with the dentist. We have been seeing her since my kiddos were little so it's easy to feel like we "know" each other, even though we really don't. I actually learned a bit more about her at this visit. 

Friday morning the boys had their dentist appointments. Steven was able to drive them both from school and I met them there. It is nice having Steven be more independent. What was not nice, was the Steven has 4 cavities. That is going to be expensive.

Also Friday, Steven had another evening of work. This time he actually got to do some work. He is not very communicative with me, lol, but I think he enjoyed it. He says he does the toppings or cleans up things in the back. He also worked Saturday from 9-2, this time with his friend Max. He is not complaining too much about it and I really like seeing him use his time productively. He wouldn't let me take a picture so I had to sneak one of him in his uniform.

Friday night Lucy had her first dance. She went to the Renaissance Fall Dance with her friends, Claire and Geli. Claire came over before the dance and tried to undo the damage Lucy felt I did to her hair when I attempted to make it wavy, lol. Lucy is not a fan of my "style" and definitely has a style all her own. I dropped Claire and Lucy off at the dance but Geli's mom was chaperoning and sent me some pics. Lucy seemed to have a good time just hanging with her friends. She did not dance with any boys, nor did she want to.

Penny had a soccer game Saturday morning and it left her feeling very upset. They lost 5 to 0 and she had all sorts of reasons for why it went so terrible and all sorts of things to say about how everyone on her team was mad at everyone. Their head coach was gone and I wonder if that was why it went so bad or if it was just an off day for everyone. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


On Monday Tyler and I brought dinner to a couple that just had a baby in our ward. She has a 17 year gap between this baby and her 2 older daughters (different dads) and I think she is having the same rude awakening that I did. Babies are hard when your older. They also had a giant dog that kept jumping up on me and licking my face. I had to pretend that I did not absolutely hate that dog, lol. Anyways they are nice people and I would love to have a friend at church in the same baby boat as me but I am not sure she likes me that much. I don't know why I think that, just a vibe I get.

On Tuesday Lucy got lucky. A desk came up on Facebook Marketplace that was cheap and just the right size so I caved and picked it up for her. The person had me pick it up from him by the police station which should have made me feel safe but just made me feel weird. Lucy immediately cleaned it and filled it up with her things. Lucy uses the desk to journal and is very happy to have her own little spot in her room. That night we had 3 places to be and only 2 cars- the Suburban is having break issues. I dropped Ben off at school so he could take the bus to his game(such a blessing that soccer has this) and then Tyler picked him up from it after Penny's soccer practice. That meant that none of us were able to be at his game which was a bummer but at least he didn't play that game. Steven had the other car for his college class. It is ridiculous how necessary 3 cars has become for us. 

Wednesday was my blessed break day from homeschooling. The girls went to their electives that day, Lucy was looking anxious that morning, she still hasn't made new friendst there. I am really hoping she learns to love Wednesdays and find new friends but I know that is hard when you only go once a week. On the other hand Penny seems to be loving Wednesdays and always has a story to tell- she is full of drama. While they were at school, I made a birthday cake for Grams. It took longer than expected and that was pretty much how I spent my day off. Late that evening Grams flight came in and I had the pleasure of picking her up. It is always nice when she comes for a visit!

Thursday was not an exciting day for Grams. There was homeschooling, picking up groceries, an errand to the Dollar Tree, a walk...nothing spectacular. I did, however, have two dizzy spells that felt like they came out of nowhere and totally freaked me out. One was when I was driving home from the Dollar Tree. I was turning into my neighborhood and it only lasted seconds so thankfully we didn't crash into anything. The other was on our walk and I had to grip on to Grams for a half a minute while the world was spinning. They were very random and thankfully haven't occurred again. The one fun event Thursday, singing happy birthday to Grams when everyone was finally home. Steven was nice and picked up ice cream to go with the cake so it was a yummy night.

Friday night Ben had a soccer game at Northern. Grams, Ruby, Penny and I went. Tyler also went, he was the announcer. Ben's team kicked butt and won 9 to 2 and Ben even got 18 minutes of play time. While he was playing he did a really great kick which would have been a goal assist if the kid he had kicked it to had not been ofoffsides. It was a really good night for Ben.

Saturday morning it was Ben, Ruby and Tyler's turn to go to Mackinac Island with me and Grams. Originally we had planned to leisurely drive up to Mackinaw City Saturday and go to the island Sunday, then drive home Sunday night. BUT rain was forecasted for most of Sunday so we had to switch our plans around. Instead we woke up early Saturday morning and headed to the ferry. The drive there went fairly smoothly. We just did a quick stop at McDonald's for some breakfast. We got to the ferry just before 11am and discovered the parking lot was full and there was a massive line- like past the parking lot, wrapping down the sidewalk. It made me want to abort, I had never seen the line that long and I HATE crowds,but we persevered. We ended up parking at our motel and then walking over to the ferry- it was a very short walk. Ben was nice and walked Ruby around while we waited in line. Tyler went and bought a hat to protect his bald head while we waited in line. Grams went and got tickets while we waited in line (because the line was just to board the boat, not for tickets). I told Grams she should play the geriatrics card and lie somehow- tell them her heart was too weak for standing in line or something, but she was a good girl and didn't want to lie, so we waited. After about an hour, we made it onto the boat. The ticket taker told us she had never seen it that busy in September but it was likely due to the fact that the other ferry was closed for the season so this was the only one running. Ben really wanted to ride on top but it was full. I was ok with the bottom of the boat though honestly, it's less sunny and windy and wet.

Once we got there, the island really didn't seem any busier than when I have been there before. If anything it was slightly less peopley so I am pretty sure the long line we encountered in the beginning was just because there was only one ferry company open. We headed straight to the horse carriage booth to book a tour and they got us on right away- much faster than expected. Ben chose the front row so we had a great view of the horses peeing and there lovely butts. The tour guide was from Romania and did a very good job telling us about the island. I have done the tour twice before but I still can't remember all the things...but the jokes are all fairly familar ;). Ruby did really well on the carriage. She was very chill.

At the first stop of the tour we got some food and then the boys decided to forge a knife. It was a pricey but perfect experience and souvenir for them both. They enjoyed hammering their knives and Tyler even joined the One Heat Beat Club and made it on their FB page. While they were forging knives, Ruby had a lot of fun crawling on a rock. After letting her crawl on the rock for awhile I attempted to get her to take a nap but she just would not close those big blue eyes of hers. I eventually gave up and we toured the nearby carriage house. 

When their knives were completed, we got some doughnuts and then went on the second half of the horse carriage ride. This time our tour guide was less pleasant. He added too much opinions and feelings to his island information. The speaker was also pretty loud and hurt my ears. On the bright side, Tyler got Ruby to finally take a nap and we got to see the world famous arch.

When the carriage ride ended Ruby was still sleeping so we stepped into a nearby chapel and let her nap a little longer. Then we did some shopping. I had to get Ben another shirt at the Benjamin store but that was all I got. After strolling through a few shops we could see the line to the ferry was already getting pretty long so we decided it was time to head out. We ended up being the last family to make it onto a boat so once again the top was full and Ben did not get to sit on the top like he wanted to. Looks like we'll have to do a ferry ride again sometime, just so he can ride on top. Ruby had the joy of having a cute little boy her age sitting in front of her. It was cute to see the two of them interact a little bit. 

Back in Mackinaw City it was time to eat dinner and Ben said we had to have Subway. By this time Ruby was operating on very little sleep and was super cranky and not a real treat to have out in public. We managed to get her a cup of meatballs from Subway but she had no desire to eat them. After eating there, there were some fun "nerd" shops close by that the boys wanted to browse, there was a little playground that Ruby got to play on which sort of cheered her up and then was a cool Bumblebee statue made from car parts. There was also a place that had a ton of skeleton and pirate figures every where and Ruby did not like them one bit. Halloween is going to be rough on her. By that time, it was late and time to put Ruby to bed. Grams and Ben had their own room so they thankfully did not have to deal with crazy Ruby who did not want to sleep. Tyler ended up taking her on a drive which finally put her to sleep but she was up several times in the night. Nights have been rough lately.

Sunday we got up and went to breakfast at a nearby restaurant. Our motel really was ideally located because we could walk to everything- shops, food places, the ferry...I ended up getting the buffet and it was worth it- just for all the bacon I got. Plus I was able to share my food with Ruby and she was a huge fan of the watermelon. She dripped it all down her shirt. We also had a nice waitress that was coincidentally named Penny. 

After breakfast we did a little more shopping- I was trying to find some souvenirs. I ended up finding a funny shirt for Steven that said "Amazing Michigan- with great lakes comes great responsibility." I also got a t-shirt for me. I ended up not finding anything for the girls though. We took this silly picture of Ben showing off his knife to Grams (or threatening her?) by a nearby knife store.

The last activity request for the trip by Ben, was a visit to Fort Michilimackinac. Grams and I weren't that into it so I decided we would walk around the lake and see if I could get Ruby to sleep while Tyler and Ben toured the fort. Of course Ruby refused to nap but it was a nice walk. When I finally gave up on her napping, Ruby and I went and played by the water. I ended up taking off her shoes and pants so she could get a little wet. She had fun playing with the rocks. At one point I turned to look to the side of me and saw a guy with a telephoto lens pointed at me and Ruby. That was awkward. I didn't know how to handle that so I just turned away and pretended it wasn't happening. Hopefully there aren't pics of me and Ruby somehwere nefarious now. Eventually it was looking like rain and I really wanted Ruby to nap so we got back in the car and drove around until Ruby fell asleep. Not too long afer she fell asleep, the boys were done at the fort and it was time to head out of Mackinaw City.

Not too far out of Mackinaw was a fun seashell shop that I decided we should stop at. I figured I could the girls some things for their fairy garden there and I did- a few seashells, a skull, and turtles made from seashells. They had driftwood sticks for 25 cents and Ben joked I should buy one for Ruby. So I did. Yes, I bought a stick, but at least she got a souvenir too. And she plays with her 25 cent stick quite a bit. It also had a fun pirate boat playground that Ben had to pose at. Ruby was sleeping still so she did not get to enjoy it.

The drive home was rough- full of traffic and a whiney baby- but we survived. It was nice to come back and see that the rest of my children had survived too. Steven did a good job taking Penny to her soccer game, taking the girls to church and he even had his first day of work at Jersey Mike's- he watched training videos. Mariah was nice and took the girls to dinner Saturday night while Steven was working. It was nice to see that we can leave them for a bit and they will be just fine.